Here you will find ways you can help! This is just a small part of our needs, our wishlist. If you can help by funding, in-kind donations or in a position to help us at low cost to help us check items off our list - we will be ever so grateful!
Here we have started a pintrest page showcasing some of the ideas and needs we will have.
We have also started a wishlist on Amazon and will add to it as we can, the need is great!
We have the beginnings of a list of business/office needs that we forsee (very small list) but we anticipate it's growth as time goes on.
We have started a wishlist at Office Depot of items we will need.
Just click the link above or visit, search for RevAUlusion & click select! It's that simple! you can also drag a short cut to your browser bar for easy access every time you shop.
As we grow, so will our wish lists!